NVVT: Company visit to SKH/SHR

Learn more about latest KOMO certifications for quality and biobased content and about water permeability of industrial joinery paint systems. Also an investigation to wooden pile foundations will be presented. Ofcourse the visit includes a tour in all the labs, a ‘view in the kitchen’ of SKH/SHR. Download here the program. Datum en tijdstip: vrijdag 1 november

Séminaire sur les peintures poudres et liquides sur supports galvanisés

La directive pratique Benelux fournit des informations essentielles pour les maîtres d’ouvrage, architectes, bureaux d’études, et autres acteurs impliqués. Lors du séminaire prévu le 17 octobre prochain à Strepy-Thieu, nous aborderons les différentes options de peintures en mettant en lumière les aspects clés à prendre en compte pour la conception, le choix du système, et

Kazerne Dossin


Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter au  prochain ATIPIC Relax le 19 October 2024 at 10.00 Visit of the Dossin Castle in Mechelen Goswin de Stassartstraat 153, 2800 Mechelen (parking Tinel – Edgard Tinellaan 6, 2800 Mechelen – 300m from the Castle). The Dossin Gallery is located in the centre of Mechelen. Renowned architect

Technical afternoon ATIPIC & BPG

THEME: When Polymers meet coatings Date: Tuesday October 8th  2024Time: 13:30 hrs. – 17:00 hrs.Venue: Berkenhof- Ruisbroekstraat 24, 3360 BierbeekTel:  016 46 16 28  –  www.berkenhof.be Time PROGRAM / Titles      Speakers / Company       13:30 hrs. Welcome / Registration (coffee/tea)   14 :00 hrs. Opening Session 1 by Dr Jacques Warnon    president ATIPIC   14:05

New logo for our association

Last week, we unveiled the new logo of ATIPIC.BE.After more than 80 years of existence it was time for the old logo to be replaced by a more modern representation of our coating association.

ETCC 2024 – Daily programme

After severals months of preparation, now the ETCC 2024 congress is well defined and is on line. The success is already obtained concerning the speakers (more than 100) and posters (15) with very interesting lectures. The place of Palais of the Popes in south of France with very nice, large and historical rooms and also

Journée Technique AFTPVA à Lesquin

La Section Nord vous invite à noter dans vos agendas sa prochaine Journée Technique qui se tiendra le jeudi 6 juin au Coloft de Lesquin grace au soutien de Brenntag qui nous accueillera.


THEME: Opportunities for Coatings Date: Tuesday June 4th  2024Time: 13:30 hrs. – 17:00 hrs.Venue: Berkenhof- Ruisbroekstraat 24, 3360 BierbeekTel:  016 46 16 28  –  www.berkenhof.be Program Time PROGRAM / Titles      Speakers (Company) 13:30 hrs. Welcome / Registration (coffee/tea)   14 :00 hrs. Opening by Dr. Jacques Warnonpresident ATIPIC   14:05 hrs. Polymer Performance trough Knowledge Jos Huybrechts

ALV & Symposium

We kindly invite you to the symposium of the NVVT: ALV & Symposium. Date 28 mei 2024Time Welcome at 12:30Start of the presentations 13:30 – closure 17:30Place ‘t Veerhuis, Nijemonde 4, 3434 AZ Nieuwegein This symposium is composed of four presentations covering a variety of topics on the latest innovations, which may be of interest


Young scientist award ATIPIC


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