On 12 octobre 2023 by jennifer.demeuldreETCC2024 – European Technical Coatings Congress – will take place on 23–24–25 September 2024 in the Palace of the Popes of Avignon (France).
The Congress has a tradition of more than 70 years! Since 1950, the member Associations of FATIPEC have organized more than 35 scientific and technical congresses. In 2012, the traditional “FATIPEC Congress” was continued with the now well-known name « ETCC – European Technical Coatings Congress ».
After Aix-en-Provence in 2004, AFTPVA (French Association of Technicians of Paints, Varnishes, Printing Inks and Adhesives, in partnership with FATIPEC (Federation of Associations of Technicians for Industry of Paints in European Countries, is once again organizing the ETCC Congress.
As FATIPEC took over the management of the Global Federation CSI – Coatings Societies International (, it will support the involvement of specialists of our working area from around the world at ETCC2024.
ETCC2024 is the most prestigious and most important technical and scientific coatings event of the year, creating a platform and a meeting point of Industry and Science, represented by institutes and universities. The Congress offers the possibility of international co-operation and collecting unique knowledge about the newest materials, products, processing, equipment, research and testing.
During the 3-day Congress, there will be plenary presentations, 3 or 4 parallel sessions, poster presentations, and an exhibition. A seminar called « Summer School » with lectures dedicated especially for young scientists and students will be held on Sunday 22 September afternoon.
The European and Congress Scientific Committees are inviting you to actively participate in ETCC2024 Congress which will be a unique occasion for the exchange of views and experiences in the area of: Paints, Coatings, Raw Materials, Adhesives, Construction Materials, Related Materials, Processes and Concepts.
Papers can be submitted for one of the following topics:
- Advances in Sciences of Paints, Adhesives, Printing Inks and Related Products
- Colour and Dyes
- Formulations
- Corrosion Protection
- Biobased Solutions
- Sustainability
- Circular Economy
- Carbon Footprint and Decarbonation
- Life Cycle Assessment
- Advances in Processing and Production
- Building Materials
- Wood as a substrate
- Measuring and Testing
- ….
We hope that you will participate in the congress to share with us your experience and views in the field of coatings.
On behalf of the Scientific Committees.
Bernard CHAPUIS, AFTPVA President
Alain LEMOR, AFTPVA Vice-President, Chair of the French Scientific Committee
5 rue Etex
F-75018 Paris (France)